Inspired by a flour sifter from the Magic Suitcase
For breakfast I have pancakes,
and doughnuts are for lunch.
For snacktime I like cookies,
for drinks I have some punch.
And then I got a stomachache.
I think I ate too much.
I got so very hyper that
my mother said, "Don't touch!"
This poem was submitted by Jarryd & Max,
third grade students in Mrs. Tappin's class.
I thought of an elephant.
I thought of a guy.
I thought of an airplane.
That touches the sky.
All of these thoughts are good.
I hope they are fine with you.
So when you think of thoughts.
I hope they are not blue.
This poem was submitted by Kelli, a
third grade student in Mrs. Tappin's class.
There once was a leopard named Larry.
His body was tan, brown, and hairy.
He said with a roar as he leaped out the door.
I would rather eat a Zebra then a berry. |