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Session #3 ~ Avondale Meadows Elementary School
Inspired by a plastic elephant from the Magic Suitcase


The big gray elphant has pearly white tusks.
The truth is that he bathes all day and sleeps at dusk.
Although he is so big and round, he is afraid of mice.
Although he also looks somean, he's actually very nice.
He eats lot of peanuts; he lives in the zoo.
His elephant friends live in Africa too.

Here is a poem written during the workshop
by Kara O., Chelsea D., and Kristi K. of Ms. Morris' class.


Books, Books, Books
There are so many kinds of books.
There are books of cook's, books of looks
and books of silly, silly nooks.
There are books of people, books of pets,
and books of working people, like vets.
There are books of cats, books of dogs,
and books about channel 4's weather forecast: fog.
there's books of teams and books of creams
and books of silly and funny things.
Denise Rodgers is a woman who wrote through a log of her years,
and did not just sit back with lots of tears.
She writes poems because she likes it,
and hopes that she will never quit.

Here is a poem by Aaron V. of Mr. Biegun's class.

I saw a bird fly into a tree,
I must say he did it with such glee.
I went to see if he was okay,
he flew at me and I said "Hey!"
I don't believe that he was hurt.
Though it looked like he needed a wing insert.
I saw him as he flew away.
Only to return the very next day.

Ms.Morris' Class Poem by: Brianna A., Kristin N., and Sydney E.

The Big Fat Man
The big fat man could not fit through the door so he had to go outside and sleep on the floor.
He tried to get a girlfriend named Pam. But she dumped him and he went for a slice of ham.
He went to go buy stuff at the store but they wouldn't let him in because he was too poor.
The poor little man as fat as can be. Too bad his hands can't reach his knees.

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