Funny Poetry from The Poetry Lady - Sample Poem from A Little Bit of Nonsense
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Funny Poetry

Sample Poem from A Little Bit of Nonsense, page 15.

Lazy Jane
Here's the tale of lazy Jane
Who lost the use of half her brain.
She could retrieve it, hasn't yet.
It's right beside her TV set.
She found her programs wild and thrilling.
All the while her brain was spilling
through her ear nd on the floor,
as she forgot what it is for.
And so it sits, a pile of gray.
It's useless to this very day.

About her programs, Jane does scoff,
"I've half a mind to turn them off."

A Funny poem, we all love them. Even the most sophisticated reader gets a chuckle and a certain bit of pleasure out of a well crafted verse.

There is something about rhythm and rhyme that is satisfying and complete. A funny poem can brighten up a dark day with a dash of the unexpected thrown in you will end up with a smile on your face. Funny poems are often found in children's poetry books but they are not the only source. Adults enjoy funny poems as well and there is an endless source of funny poems in poetry aimed at adults. Funny poem collections and humorous poetry books are available in many book stores as well as airport and hotel shops.

Funny poem teachers meet with an audience and delight them with prose. As well as inform their audience on the finer points of creating humorous poetry for them to share with others. Poetry often has an influential effect on people, opening up their creativities. Fostering creative skills at any age creates a better quality of life. For ourselves and those around us opening up ones creative mind gives us all a new kindred spirit for literacy and the thirst for literary knowledge and satisfaction. Satisfaction gained by reading, sharing what we read with others around us.

Denise Rodgers funny & humorous poem teacher in Michigan has influenced many young minds, helped to fuel their creative skills as well as entertain them all with style, grace and humor. Her school presentations effect kids in a way they want to start their own funny poem collections. Kids often write to The Poetry Lady with samples of their work. Work they have undertaken due to the influence of the funny poem teacher.

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